CareBot Return on Investment, a Wise Family Decision
The CareBot will provide a positive ROI for families in anywhere from a few days, (Scenario 1)
to a little over two months in other cases (Scenario 2) , and probably within a year for almost all purchasers (Scenario 3).
Scenario 1: Patient comes home after major surgery or perhaps a heart attack and an unexpected complication or relapse occurs. The patient can go home, where they're most comfortable, but regular visual monitoring by family memebers and vital sign monitoring reported directly to a physician or hospital detects the problem quickly. The patient can be is readmitted before the situation becomes critical. Patient is stabilized in ER and released or a hospital stay of weeks is shortened to a few days.
Scenario 2: Elder is at home or staying with family. Mental or physical condition becomes such that they are afraid to leave them at home for even a few minutes without having someone there. Stress becomes too much and family considers putting them in a nursing home but the cost is $70,000 per year (actual average cost used).
The CareBot permits the caregiver to go to the store, take the kids to soccer, parents can go out to dinner, and stress is relieved without putting the elder in a nursing home. This can be done via a webcam on the CareBot. The care receiver is safer, happier and healthier, the family doesn't feel guilty, and the CareBot pays for itself in about nine weeks.
Scenario 3: Elder is living at home, happy, relatively healthy and has an active social life. Elder does have a problem with high blood pressure though, there is a history of stokes in the family, and does not always remember to take their medicine. The Elder worries about intruders even though they live in a safe neighborhood.
The closest child is 50 miles away, others are hundreds or thousands of miles away. The first child has to spend a lot of time checking in on Mom and Pop, he feels obligated and deep down he is angry with the other kids because they don't seem to take enough responsibility. Hiring live in help would cost the family $3-500 per week, hiring someone in the neighborhood to check in on them frequently would be $500 a month and there would still be the worry that they might take advantage of their loved ones or something would happen between "check in" times.
If the three of them chip in chip in $4000 apiece for a CareBot. All three can check in on the Mom and Pop frequently and the one who lives 50 miles away no longer feels like he has all the responsibility.
The CareBot makes sure medicine is taken on schedule; it connects to family via Skype with video calls when needed or when one of them gets upset or confused. If either of them thinks they hear something in the middle of the night, the CareBot can do an infrared scan inside the house and out into the yard to check for intruders; automatically alerting police if someone is spotted inside designated perimeter. If Pop has become too agitated and his ticker starts working overtime the CareBot will contact, pre-designated family members or if the signs are sever enough, the paramedics are called.
At $1200 per month saved (the cost of the cheapest live in help) the CareBot pays for itself in ten months even if the Elder continues to be independent and happy at home.
Conclusion: Once people start to understand how a CareBot is used and insurance companies figure out how much they will save, sales will accelerate dramatically due to pent up demand.
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